Goodness gracious! Time has certainly gotten away from me! I had such a great time talking with all of you at conferences last week (that time was way more beneficial than blogging anyway, in my opinion)! Thank you so much for being fantastic parents!
I wanted to share pictures of our Halloween party (before I forget to do that...), so this post will be dedicated to our Halloween fun!
We started the party by reading the story, The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything. The kiddos loved it! They have asked me countless times since then to read it to them again. I love when that happens!
After our story, we had a special snack of Halloween cookies and Spooky Juice (green Hawaiian Punch and Sprite).
We went on our costume parade after snack. In the morning, we visited Helen in the office and Darla in the hallway. In the afternoon, we added Pastor Jordan to our list of stops.
When we got back into the classroom, we split into three groups to rotate through our Halloween stations. At one station, the kiddos listened to another Halloween story, I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Bat.
The second station was the art station. The kiddos made "stained glass" pumpkins with contact paper and tissue paper. These are hanging in the classroom now, so feel free to stop by and check them out if you get the chance.
The last station was the cooking station. We made spider cookies with Oreos, licorice, and mini M&Ms.
By the time the day was over, I think we were all happy, full, and exhausted! It really was a great day!
Thank you to the parents (Jennifer and Robin) who spent some time with us during our party! I really appreciate your help!